So the purpose of this blog post is to answer a question that’s been posed to me by a lot of people individually, but as only one person, I’m sad to say that it can be a challenge getting back to everyone as fast as I’d like to, so I’m going to post the answer here.
The Company I’ll be talking about is called Great Life Worldwide. They have an income potential claim of $5300 per month WITHOUT enrolling anyone!
Chew on that for a moment and let that lil nugget sink in… After all, That is a BIG claim…
Now that claim has gotten many folks excited.
Some of the folks were not excited in a positive way.
And ya know what… their initial skepticism is totally understandable-
Because, let’s face it, we have ALL seen the snappy zingy headlines that promise the moon and the stars but turn out to be complete garbage. So this particular claim has definitely ruffled a few feathers.
AS it turns out, it is all there in Black and white (and orange and blue) for anyone to read.
Right now, I’m going to take a quote off the Great Life Worldwide website and show it to you here.
“As a $20 Monthly GreatLife Affiliate you can earn up to $5,300.00 per MONTH without ever enrolling a single person!”
Now they have a metric butt-ton of information on the comp plan for anyone to go read to see if GLW is the right fit for them.
This information (and more) about the comp plan a.k.a “what’s in it for you” can be found on this website here. (yep, I like full transparency- it is my affiliate link- no point in BS-ing you otherwise on the matter.)
Once you get to the site look in the upper right hand corner of the top of the page where it says “opportunity” to see more details.
Or if you aren’t in the mood for a quick read then you can see the short sweet and to the point video version of What is in it for YOU – by clicking right here to watch on YouTube or you can watch it on the page directly below here. Enjoy!
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This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, We’ll receive a small commission. This disclosure is intended to comply with the US Federal Trade Commission Rules on marketing and advertising, as well as any other legal requirements that may apply.
#GreatLife #makemoneyonline2024