January 18


How To Change Your Link In Free Advertising Facebook Groups

By seelyclark

January 18, 2021

Hello, Seely Clark here. I am going to be showing you today how to change your links in any Facebook free to advertise groups. So that means any places where they allow blatant advertising of your affiliate marketing business network marketing business, any kind of business where you post on Facebook in the free ad groups.

This is an especially important skill to have when advertising in the “Advertise your business, affiliate marketing business, or offers here 24/7” types of Facebook Groups in 2021.

You may have links that have gone by, or you need to replace them with another link, or your tracker or the third party tracker you used I’ll, went belly up for whatever reason. So whatever your reason is for changing links, I’m going to show you how the first thing I want to show you is how to find the groups that you are in already.

Go to your home page- you get to there by clicking on your own face and name on your own Facebook profile. The house icon is just above your picture on your header on Facebook.

Once you click this you will then be on your home page. Over to the left, you will see that groups are two tabs below your name. On the left-hand side, it looks like a bunch of people in a circle there, so you’re going to click on “groups” now you’re going to go down and you’re going to find a group that you’re in that you use for, and it allows for free advertising. You see where it says something like: Advertise your business or page for free 24/ 7.

Next, we’re going to click on this title of the group now. If you want to open a separate tab to keep your profile visible you can do that too. I’m going to right-click and open the link in a new tab, it’ll hop over here. As you see, it created a new tab to the right of the tab that you’re currently in now. You can operate on that and after you’re done, you can click out of it and still be on your home page. This group is to Advertise your business or page for free 24/7.

This is a fairly robust group of 79 – almost 80 000 members. The first thing you want to do is you want to go over here to the magnifying glass you’re going to hit, search and then just type in your own name.

Usually, you’ve done enough times that the autofill will populate your own name in the dropdown.

So here I have, it shows me when I posted last some of my media I put up and see I have my ad copy here. That’s still congruent with what I want to advertise, but this link has gone belly up. It hasn’t gone belly up, I mean it was a company that does third-party tracking still does. I just chose to not use that tool anymore.

So now I have to fix it because what it is is all these links are not getting traffic, and that is not what you want. You want free and residual traffic from posting in these groups. So now I’m going to show you how to get this to work.

If you need Facebook tips- this is one of the most important. If you do need to change tracking links in your old Facebook ad groups one of the most important things is to be sure that if you use third-party trackers that will be around for the long haul.

Also, be sure that they are a company you can trust and that you will be staying in for the long haul.

I use Traffic Optimizer https://r1.trafficauthority.net/clarkie44 to track my links to my business at freedomwithus.com

So I’m going over to Traffic Authority, which is a current tracker I use. I have a link all set up, and this is tracking software that I use. You can use any software, any third-party tracker does not matter. That’s just my personal choice.

Now, once you have the new link you’re going to go up here, you’re going to see your name, the group name and you’ll see your post here, Then what you’re going to do is you’re actually going to click on the picture of your old post.

Then it’ll take you to that old post. Then you’ll see your name, you’ll see when the post was you’ll, you’ll see the copy and then you will see the link in blue when you hover over it just like any other link.

So if you need to replace that link just go across from your name, and you’ll see three dots.

You’re going to click on those three dots and then in the drop-down menu. The second one down will have a little pencil icon and it’ll say “edit post” click on that icon and now you’ll see edit post come up and you’ll see your post right here.

All you’re going to do is highlight that old link hit backspace once to make sure it’s gone, and then copy the other link that you want on there. To do that you’re going to hit ctrl v or right-click and paste. There’s that link I’m going to leave the ad copy and everything just the way it is, and then you click save. Then you’ll see the link has changed. Now you’re getting traffic to a current link.

So and then you can go back of course now that you’re done with this particular group, you click on the tab. There’S a little x right. There click on that then click to the tab you’re previously on, and you should still have your ad groups or free to advertise groups on your left-hand side. So that’s pretty much it for how to replace your links in blatant advertising and free to advertise groups that are on Facebook.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and video. If you like this content, please feel free to like share subscribe to my blog and YouTube channel so that you can be sure to keep up to date on what I’m doing and so that you can catch a whole bunch of new and nifty stuff coming out.

Until we speak again!

To Your Success,

Seely Clark IV


#facebookgroups2021 #facebookgrouptips #websitetraffictricks

This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This disclosure is intended to comply with the US Federal Trade Commission Rules on marketing and advertising, as well as any other legal requirements which may apply.


About the author

I live in Bangor, Maine and I worked full-time as an RN at a local hospital. In 2010 I started working online Part-time after my mother was disabled by a heart attack. I wanted to build extra income to help with her health care.

What started as a way to make extra income has grown into a passion!
Over the years I have learned a great deal about marketing on the Internet.

I have learned many things that don’t work and much that DOES work.

One thing I have learned is that for me to succeed, I have to help others succeed.

So now my focus is on teaching others what I have learned works so that they can avoid the money-wasting struggles I went through and finally start making money on the Internet.

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