October 8


Sitting here in shock after this amazing first National NLS event!

By seelyclark

October 8, 2018


I am sitting here before I have to leave for my flight….

It won’t be long  until I go catch a plane from Schertz Texas
back to where I live in Florida.

I can’t sleep.

I’m still amped from how awesome this weekends NLS event was!

But that’s not why I can’t sleep.

It’s because I feel like I am leaving a huge part of my family
and my heart behind.

I met so many amazing new people….

I heard so many from the heart transformation stories…..

About health…

About family….

About the REALITY that this is changing lives forever.

I think it’s still sinking in…

One of the people I met for the first time is my mentor Richard

He has been guiding me since 2014…

He is the man that taught me everything I know about email

And what he taught me was pivotal in me finally having success in
2016 even BEFORE NLS.

Because of that success, and the extra income I had from it, I
was able to-

Take time off of work….

Support two households when I needed it most …Which was when my
wife Liz and I needed to moved in with, and cared for my mother
who was terminally ill.

I had the freedom to automate my business and just let it run….

I didn’t have to fiddle with it-

I could be completely present and available to spend quality time
with, and care for my mother.

It gave me financial resources to draw upon and precious time
with mom that I never would have had otherwise.

THAT is the power of online success through email marketing!

What Richard taught me changed my life profoundly.

And because of our bond created over time, I immediately joined
him when he told me about NLS because…

The amazing thing about NLS is…

It automates and fast tracks everything I had in my skill set…

.and puts it all in one spot for you who may just be getting
started …

It is simple

And powerful

Anyone can do it.

It has helped so many lift up their lives too…

One lady I had the pleasure to meet in person…

Her name is Cynthia, she just blew me away.,,,

Before NLS she was barely able to move around….

Because of near constant pain…

After using the Now LifeStyle health and wellness system for a
short time…

Get this…

Her mobility is better….
and she spends as much time playing with her grandchildren as she

It has literally transformed her life!

When she went up on stage to accept her award from Joel…

They both got misty eyed and just stood there for a minute,
locked in a hug. THAT’S real…

This system is changing lives, both physically and financially…

It is growing into a movement because we aren’t just

We are a FAMILY!

Now LifeStyle is more than just a business…


I have never seen anything like it!

I already miss my new family.

I miss Richard Weberg….and his amazing wife April…

Richard and I are so much
alike we could be… well, we are BROTHERS..
April is a little badass- she helped fix some issues when a hotel
was trying to pull some foolishness on Don…

I miss Jon Weberg and his girlfriend Crystal…

Jon is the young man I wish
I could have been when I first discovered Netw0rk
Market.ing at his age…. he is a true rock star-
and wise beyond his
years.. and Crystal is all adorable in the way that she loves
and supports Jon- she too is well ahead of her years.
I miss Cynthia Eads-

She’s just so adorable, and REAL, she is
an inspiration to us ALL.She made us ALL cry with the
story of her transformation…

I miss Greg Fox and Sean Mullen

Greg is a gentle giant of a man whom everyone
just loves-

Greg was always talking to new folks
and taking care of those who didnt have cars by giving them
rides to and from where we needed to go…

Sean is a soft spoken fellow, quick with a joke

and one who is always there just chilling
and really helping and listening to people.
He has been through
some tough stuff in life and is cranking away with the health
and wellness side.

I miss Janet Legere,

Janet’s laugh and “life is a party, we are all
family” attitude remind me so much of my
own mom’s love for life
that it had me choked up more than once…

I miss Don Ducharme, Donalyn Zaborski and her hubby…

They are originally from
New England like me and they had me laughing so
hard and just
about wetting myself on many occassions!

I miss them all, and can’t wait to see them all again…
and I know it won’t be anywhere near soon

I am inviting you over to join us at the table-

To become part of my family…

This family…

OUR family…

To never look back….

So come join hands with us as we move together to the future that
we all deserve!

I really do want you here with us… you deserve to know
how good it feels to have family and a lifestyle like this,,,

Seely Clark IV


About the author

I live in Bangor, Maine and I worked full-time as an RN at a local hospital. In 2010 I started working online Part-time after my mother was disabled by a heart attack. I wanted to build extra income to help with her health care.

What started as a way to make extra income has grown into a passion!
Over the years I have learned a great deal about marketing on the Internet.

I have learned many things that don’t work and much that DOES work.

One thing I have learned is that for me to succeed, I have to help others succeed.

So now my focus is on teaching others what I have learned works so that they can avoid the money-wasting struggles I went through and finally start making money on the Internet.

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