What a great day! I just have to share this with you!
I enjoyed some barbecued salmon, mustard greens, and green beans for dinner out to My dad and “Bonus Mom’s” house.
You know how some days just resonate?
Today was one of those days.
I talked to my bonus mom Bobbie catching up on current events and gossip of what was going on in the great town of Carmel, Maine.
We all went for a short but beautiful walk overlooking some farmers fields that are across the road.
Dad and I got walking around his garden and got to talking about just…stuff…
He grows peppers and we talked about that and next year’s crop.
We talked about him “offing” a trespassing groundhog and got to talking about varmint rounds and hunting.
Which turned us to the subject of him and his dad going hunting in the hills in California when dad was nine.
The story brought me there in my mind’s eye and I could see him at 9 and I could envision my grandfather as a younger man showing the others in the hunting party how it was done 🙂
I look back throughout the years and am so grateful that I’ve come back to Maine and am able to really spend time with dad.
There are certain points in time that are frozen and galvanized into my heart and soul where I have really connected with my father and saw him as much more than “dad”.
I saw him as husband,
a young Navy man aboard The U.S.S. Sierra,
a “six pack” philosopher,
a quiet protector of strangers at a bar back in his heyday…
My dad pulled a beer bottle out of a guy’s hand on the sly…
You see, that guy had it down by his side and out of sight and was going to use it on the bouncer who was telling the guy that it was “time to go”..
All of these quietly told stories from dad to me and so many more than told here have stuck with me all throughout my life and have made me the man I am today.
So I am sitting back and basking in the love and gratitude that today has gifted me.
Both for dad’s stories (and for my bonus mom Bobbi’s cooking)!
My dad is a HUGE part of my “why” for working my business.
I love the fact that I have true freedom so thatif he needs me I can actually be there and be PRESENT rather than trying to schedule thingsaround a J-O-B!
I am sure that at 72 he has many good years left, but I know the value of being able to be there if needed in a heartbeat if the shit hits the fan…
That’s the real reason I do what i do…. And that’s why I am so hell bent on helping others do the same….
Because in the past when stuff went sideways with my late mother, I was able to simply automate my traffic, check it once at the beginning and end of each day when she was asleep and otherwise,I did not have to worry about my business….
I could be truly present for what was REALLY important in life which was being with mom.
This was all thanks to the concepts of advertising and email marketing like these here.
So be grateful for each good day, and remember why you are pursuing your dreams..
Also remember that me and my team believe in you and truly
Down To Our Bones
what to help you succeed…
SO that when your time of need arrives, you have the freedom to shift on the fly and be where you need to berather than stuck missing precious time with those you lovemost.
I KNOW you can do this.
I HOPE that you do so you can be truly free.
With Warmth And My Utmost Sincerity,
Your Friend and Partner,
Seely Clark IV
PS… I couldn’t help myself…I Love em so much and they areso amazing…just had to share!

Dad and me…

My late mother and me in 2013 at my wedding…
Please, NEVER forget your WHY…..