May 12


It’s not Christmas yet….but just couldn’t resist…

By seelyclark

May 12, 2018

I have presents for many of you!!
I put together a videos series here to help alot of you who have joined
and got stuck at certain points…
These are all the essential videos you need to get started and up and running with Now LifeStyle.
If you haven’t joined NLS yet, you may do so HERE
And….Now you have me “on call” 24/7 in the form of video so that you can get started!
Here are the videos-
How to setup skype and use the screen sharing function:

Skype will help if/when you run into a snag because, thanks to Skype’s screen sharing function, your upline can see over your shoulder to help you and you can see over theirs so they can show you how to do certain tasks if needed. Skype is free and worldwide.
How to copy and paste using a windows computer, this will be needed so you can copy and paste your links everywhere:
In case you have multiple accounts, can’t remember which is the correct active account, or you can’t get in to your account watch this video to fix that problem:
You want to be in your paid active account because that’s the one that’ll make you money!
How to started earning quickly with Now LifeStyle:
How to setup your lead capture system in Now LifeStyle:
Quickly find your Now LifeStyle done for you lead capture links so you can go copy and paste them into advertising sources:
Have a good day!
Seely Clark IV


About the author

I live in Bangor, Maine and I worked full-time as an RN at a local hospital. In 2010 I started working online Part-time after my mother was disabled by a heart attack. I wanted to build extra income to help with her health care.

What started as a way to make extra income has grown into a passion!
Over the years I have learned a great deal about marketing on the Internet.

I have learned many things that don’t work and much that DOES work.

One thing I have learned is that for me to succeed, I have to help others succeed.

So now my focus is on teaching others what I have learned works so that they can avoid the money-wasting struggles I went through and finally start making money on the Internet.

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