There are certain things that you need for your online marketing success….
In this case… all 3 are Gmail accounts…
Yep, you read that right…
Access the free PDF training on how to do this by clicking the pic below:

Why 3 Gmails?
Because it will help you stay organized and It will help cut down on inbox clutter.
If you used your personal email for everything, both for your business and your personal emails-
then your inbox would be clogged with both types of emails.
With all those piling in (and there will be a lot as time goes on) then something is bound to get lost in that mess.
You’ll miss Uncle Marty’s invite to the bonfire/kegger at the lake…..
Or you’ll miss an important announcement about a new red hot lead capture page or buisness hack, or ad copy that is converting like wildfire for YOUR business….
So that’s why the three separate Gmails
So which Gmail first?
1) Your BEST Gmail
No it’s not for Uncle Marty…It’s going to be your BEST BUSINESS email….
This will be the email that you give out to your team and business peers.
Your BEST Gmail is where you will connect with and keep in touch with your mentors, fellow affiliates/reps, and so on.
It is also where you will be communicating with people in your own network such as your downline, or employees, or people that you’ve outsourced work to be done.
First rule of your BEST Gmail… don’t give it out like candy at a parade… It is only for your inner circle and close teammates….
Be selective….
If you are not selective, then look forward to having all sorts of crap pile in there that you do not want or have time to deal with…
Next, On to your second Gmail account which is…
2) Your Research Gmail account
This is the email with which you will use to opt in to other businesses lead capture pages, blogs etc and get on to their email list…
The reason that you do this is for the purposes of researching other marketers in your niche. (A.K.A. keeping an eye on your competitiors)
Use this email to subscribe to their list is so you can:
See what kind of follow up emails they send,
See how often they send,
See what their subject lines look like (do they catch your attention? if so, why?)
See what their email messages look and “sound” like… is it something you would use? Or is it just pushy pushy etc…?
You can also see what they write about and give as value to their subscribers…
And, last but not least, on to your third Gmail account
3) The Advertising Gmail Account
This is the account in which you will keep in touch with ALL of your ad people…
Keep in touch with paid ad vendors…. make sure they start your ad on time and that there are no glitches…
Keep an eye on your free ad sites such as traffic exchanges, safelists, mailers, and classified ad sites, blogs etc.
Whatever you use or participate in as far as advertising for “free”…. all the emails and communications that co
me in from them should be housed here.
All your Gmail accounts should be filtered by you.
This one in particular will need it ASAP to avoid a hot mess…
(if you do not know how to filter, click here to learn)
In summary, get your three gmail accounts up and running and you will have an easier time to
keep organized which will save you tons of time and hassle.
Which in turn, will leave you free to do more of your income producing activities rather than
sifting through an email soup hoping to find what you need…
If you have any questions, my contact details are at the very end of the training…
Until we speak again my friend,
Stay safe, stay motivated, and never stop learning!
All my best,
Seely Clark IV