One of the best low cost ways to get started advertising online is traffic exchanges.
Traffic exchanges were where I got started advertising online back in 2010 and I still use them today.
I am going to show you a small, low cost advertising plan using traffic exchanges that may be useful to you.
Step 1) Find five traffic exchanges that you like surfing. Upgrade in these.
Explanation of step 1: Most traffic exchange free memberships give you a 3:1 or a 2:1 surf ratio. This means that you must view 2 or 3 pages to get enough credit for someone to view your website or offer once. That is not good math for your efforts. What you want to accomplish by upgrading is getting a 1:1 surf ratio. MAKE SURE that the upgrade being offered gives you a 1:1 surf ratio or better. Otherwise the upgrade isn’t going to be worth it. What 1:1 surf ratio means is that for every website you view you get one website credit towards people viewing your site.
The upgrade costs are anywhere from $3.95/month up to $15/month or more depending on the traffic exchange. Now- I am keeping this concept low cost so I suggest finding 5 traffic exchanges that have a large active membership base that will give you the most unique views possible for your efforts and that the upgrade you choose should be between 5 and 10 bucks per month.
I am NOT including any links to traffic exchanges here for two reasons- one is that I am not here to pimp my affiliate links for traffic exchanges that I like and use. Two is that the traffic exchanges that you may be in and like and use may be totally different than the ones I have found useful. I am here to teach you the concept of stacking and leveraging traffic exchanges to get YOU the best results possible for YOUR needs.
Your other option when signing up to a new traffic exchange is, if they offer it when you sign up, is to take the lifetime upgrade that they may offer. Some do and some don’t offer this. If they do, and (only) if you can afford it, then take the lifetime upgrade. This is good math because it’s advertising that you pay for once and never have to pay for again. That’s a win win.
One thing I am going to mention here is that, in my opinion, whenever you advertise, you should ALWAYS be advertising using a lead capture page. ALWAYS.
A lead capture page is where someone enters their name and email for more information on your offer. Then their name and email is in your auto responder and you can follow up with them for as long as they are on your list.
A Word of advice: DO NOT spam them. Offer them tips tricks and other offers that are congruent with the first offer that they signed up to see. I had to learn that the hard way myself. I pissed a lot of people off when I offered them stuff that had nothing to do with their initial interest that got them on my list. See? I’m only human and there is always a learning curve.
If you don’t know how to sign up to a traffic exchange then check out these two how to videos from my YouTube channel:
This first one is the how to sign up to a traffic exchange tutorial video. Check it out HERE:
This next one is just some more details on signing up that I forgot to mention in that first video. This one is important, so be sure to watch all of it as well as all of the first one too. Check that one out HERE:
So once you have gotten all signed up and are ready to go you should be able to surf for 30 minutes to 60 minutes on each traffic exchange per day and get a good amount of credits built up so that you can get your ads seen many times per day.
The great thing about traffic exchanges is that you can leverage them well if you use these concepts. If you do not and are just a free member, or if you try to surf too many (even ones you are upgraded at) it can become a real time sucker. Which you DON’T want.
You want to always be leveraging your time and effort when advertising. You want to be getting as much value for your time and saving time whenever and wherever you can. Otherwise you could be surfing 24/7 for very small return on your time.
That’s it for now. Stay tuned for more-I will be covering more about traffic exchanges and how to place banner and text ads on them-which are passive (ya don’t gotta be in front of the computer) advertising that is running 24/7 for you.
I will also be giving you more info about lead capture pages and auto responders in case you did not know wtf I was talking about above.
Until we speak again, remember, Don’t Be Afraid, Live Free!
-Seely “The Lion” Clark IV
Skype: seelyc4